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Earth Day 2024 Activities

Earth Day is a momentous occasion that reminds us of our responsibility to protect and preserve our planet. Engaging in Earth Day activities fosters environmental awareness and encourages creativity and teamwork, especially among young children. Explore fun and Engaging Activities and Crafts with the Earth Day 2024 Theme 'Planet vs. Plastics' which is suitable for all ages even preschool and kindergarten children.


Earth Day 2024 Activities:

Explore Earth Day 2024 with our ‘Planet vs Plastic’ theme. Engaging activities for preschool to elementary kids to learn, play, and protect our planet.
Earth Day Activities

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Printed worksheets with images of the earth, and hands (I love my earth)
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Colors and markers

Download Free Worksheets:

Start this Earth Day activity by downloading the free worksheets available at the bottom of this article. These worksheets contain templates for creating Earth shapes written ( I love my earth) and hands, which will be used to construct the final craft.

Print Out Worksheets:

After downloading, print them out on sturdy paper or card-stock. Printing on card-stock will ensure that the crafts are durable and can resist handling by young children. 

Color and Decorate the Earth:

After printing out the worksheets, children can start coloring and decorating the Earth shapes. Encourage them to use blue and green crayons or markers to represent the land and water on the Earth. They can also add stickers or glitter to enhance the visual appeal of their creations.
Earth Day Activities

Cut Out the Hands and Color Them:

Next, children can cut out the hand templates provided in the worksheets. These hands will represent unity and cooperation in protecting our planet. Once cut out, children can color their hands using skin-tone crayons or markers.

Attach the Hands to the Earth:

After coloring, instruct the children to attach their hands to the backside corners of the Earth shape using glue or tape. This step symbolizes the importance of working together to care for our planet and each other.

Join the Hands to Form a Heart Shape:

Once the hands are securely attached, guide the children in joining the hands from the front side to create a heart shape. This heart shape represents love and compassion for the Earth and all its inhabitants. Encourage children to press down firmly to ensure the hands are properly joined.

Enjoy the Earth Day Activity: 

When the craft is complete, children can proudly display their Earth-themed creations or give them as gifts to friends and family. This Earth Day activity not only promotes creativity and fine motor skills but also instills a sense of environmental stewardship in young children.

Related Worksheets:

Join us on Facebook for more free worksheets 

Related Earth Day worksheets


Key Takeaways:

Engaging in Earth Day activities fosters environmental awareness and creativity in young children.

Download free worksheets to create Earth-themed crafts for all ages with an increase in the difficulty level even preschool and kindergarten children.

Print out the worksheets on sturdy paper or card-stock for durability.

Encourage children to color and decorate the Earth shapes and hands creatively.

Symbolically attach the hands to the Earth and join them to form a heart shape, representing unity and love for the planet.

This Earth Day activity offers a momentous way for children to celebrate and learn about environmental conservation. By creating Earth-themed crafts together, children develop a deeper appreciation for the planet and the importance of caring for it. Encourage children to continue exploring ways to protect the Earth and spread awareness in their communities. Let's celebrate Earth Day every day by nurturing a love for our planet in the hearts of future generations.

By following these simple steps, you can engage preschool and kindergarten children in a fun and educational Earth Day activity that promotes creativity and environmental stewardship. Download the free worksheets below to get started on this exciting craft project!

Earth Day 2024 Activities Download free worksheets here

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