- Opening and closing the bottle
- Holding a spoon
- Threading beads
- Legos
- Pegging
- Tear the paper
- Basic scissors use
- Playdough
- Clay or salt writing
- Finger painting
- Shaving cream foam
- Holding a crayon
- Scribbling
1. Opening and Closing the Bottle:
My favorite Maria Montessori quote is that she famously described the hands as “the tools of intelligence. This simple activity, opening, and closing bottles are incredible in terms enhance fine motor skills. Any size bottle with screw caps and lids will work, even an empty spice jar will do the work.
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This simple task demands your child’s eye-hand coordination, an advancement of fine motor skills, and a strengthening of skillfulness. It involves all ten fingers working together to accomplish the end outcome. Pleasingly of all, it develops your child’s pincer grip, which is a fundamental and introductory element of learning how to hold a writing utensil, like a pen or pencil.
The key here is to create these open-and-closable things available to your child and qualify them to explore at their own pace. Ideally, you can provide them with bottles that do not have any labels, as this creates an unnecessary distraction to the task. Suppose there are numerous bottles with varying tops. In that case, it becomes more challenging to correctly match the lid to the appropriate items, making it more complicated for children to manipulate as the bottles are heavier which is also beneficial to their development.
In addition, the children know the outcomes if the bottle falls on the floor, it will crash and make a big mess. Finished-up perfume bottles make a good choice but avoided to give glass jars or medicine bottles or things which is Choking Hazzard.
I like this activity for a child as 20 months old, however, this is a suitable one all the way up to a 2.5-year-old and is a fabulous way to provoke their freedom.
2. Holding a spoon or Fork:
Holding the spoon activity is the perfect activity for Fine Motor Skills and Gross Motor Skills. Children discover to use utensils by coordinating their hands and eyes, in terms of learning to grasp a spoon and raise it to their mouths with accuracy.in addition, it is also beneficial in order to Self-feeding, a sense of responsibility, and freedom.
In this activity, both finger and thumb are used, and a complete hand movement, this activity helps children to hold a pencil in an appropriate way in the future.
3. Threading beads:
Threading beads, it is also known as stringing beads, is a significant activity not only for toddlers but also for basic activity preschoolers and Pre-Kindergarten, it has enormous developmental benefits. It is the bilateral hand and eye, coordination of the child. This activity helps in developing fine motor skills, visual perception, and visual and motor cognitive skills. Threading is a great activity to help children develop fine motor skills paramount for being able to draw, write, do up buttons, tie shoelaces, open lunch boxes, and more later. Threading also helps to develop eye-hand coordination and concentration skills. Children learn vocabulary skills when they name colors.
Threading beads is a significant basic activity for preschoolers | | |
You must see a tub of beads and string in all preschool classrooms, for adequate reason.
Despite the fact that beads may not appear all that enjoyable or as striking as most of the “educational toys” out there, I must say they are worthwhile learning material that every child should have at home.
From Which Age Can a Child Thread Beads?
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Threading could be a demanding activity that takes time for a child to master and is very much conditional on their maturity and best for their fine motor development.
Ideally, 18 months to 2 years frequently start attempting to thread big beads or things however not with extensive control.
After the age of 4 or 5, a child should be able to thread standard-sized playing beads
Note that thinking a child to thread tiny or small beads ( they used to make necklaces or bracelets) is challenging even for 6-8-year-olds.
The thing to remember. Must do this activity with complete adult supervision and not give tiny or small beads as can cause choking hazards.
4. Legos:
Play is basically a child’s work, Children are profoundly investigators, discoverers, and explorers of new methods, therefore, toys can be used. Lego not only flashes their curiosity but also has tremendous benefits for toddlers and young children as well. If you like your child to accumulate a positive beginning in life, it is significant to provide them with pleasurable activities that even nurture brain development, improve hands and eye coordination, and inculcate critical thinking and creativity, as well as learn new skills. given the fact that providing Legos for toddlers is a toy that presents multiple benefits for young children.
First and foremost, fine motor skills are developed and enhanced, permitting a child to accomplish more complex tasks with tremendous ease over time. it will later be useful for writing skills, as with complete use of figures and hands children will know how to hold a pencil and write. Moreover, the thing toddlers will learn is the art of endurance. Toddlers can be surprisingly determined and do not give up easily. Lego provides an excellent platform for developing this essential character characteristic that will be beneficial for them well all throughout their lives.
Putting Lego pieces together to form a structure or other tangible objects provides a sense of accomplishment and achievement.
Problem-solving is a crucial skill that every person in the world requires to develop. Lego offers up a fabulous activity that also teaches little creators how to solve a variety of problems.
Furthermore, Lego inculcates Teamwork when playing with others.
5. Pegging:
Pegging is the best pre-writing activity because, Through pegging play, children can improve fine motor skills, and hand and eye coordination. when they know perfectly how to Pegg then their pincer grip will improve and the writing journey would be immensely easy for them, by pegging activity children not only learn how to hold and how much strength need to open and close but also learn colors and shapes and enjoy the experimental play. All you need for peg play is some plastic pegs, plus other ordinary household items. Peg's play can include sorting by colors, playing with sound, and playing dress-ups with toys.
you can see that in the Montessori classroom and Pre-Kindergarten, children practice pegging with pegs and baskets; using their pincer grip to peg them onto the edge of the basket and then pull them later.
You also can give pegboards as, toddlers can learn fundamental math skills such as matching and sorting by making patterns in addition, to placing pegs in a sequence and counting the peg or minus it.
6. Tear the paper:
It is recognized that tearing paper actually helps children develop s numerous fundamental skills such as hand strength, hand-eye coordination, accuracy, progressive movements, movement of fingers, and bilateral coordination as well. When a kid tears a piece of paper, they enhance hand strength and improve the small muscles in the hand.
Tell little learners they get out their crab pinchers, and then make a pinching motion with their thumb and forefinger. This enables them to acknowledge that the sole body parts are required to tear these two fingers.
later make a collage from their torn paper and glue the child, using glue also provide a sense of texture. By making this creation of a collage child will feel a sense of creativity and achievement.
6. Basic Scissors Use:
Basic scissors are significant pre-writing activity because it Constructs hand and finger strength, Opening and closing scissors help children produce the small muscles in their hands. These muscles are essential for day-to-day activities such as writing drawing, and coloring.
In addition, this activity is really helpful for accomplishing their daily tasks such as using cutlery, brushing their teeth, and getting dressed.
the thing to remember must provide the kid's scissor which is curved in shape from the end and not much sharp.
Give paper and scissors to the kid, In the beginning, the child can cut the paper freely and then draw lines on the page in this way, or you can download it for printout. now say to the children cut the stairgate line, hence the sense of line also develops.
7. Play Dough:
Playdough is a fantastic option in terms of pre-writing activities for Pre-Kindergarten. Here complete figure and hand movement improves children's fine motor skills when they roll, pull, flatten, and shape the dough. also, play dough is significant for hand and eye coordination. This activity also improves creativity and skillfulness and engage children in constructive and learning activity.
8. Clay or Salt or Sand Writing:
Playing and writing with clay sand or Salt in a tray is a fun and entertaining way for preschoolers to practice their early-writing skills. what you need to do is, fill a tray with salts or whatever you want like clay or sand, and provide a tool for your child to make marks in the salt. This tray engages children and provides the senses and is an exciting and introductory way for kids to learn how to alphabet, and numbers and even spell their names. Children enjoy this activity a lot, as it develops the skills and confidence from the connecting lines and curves, the vertical, horizontal, straight, and zig-zag lines that form the basis of letters and numbers.
9. Finger Painting:
Finger painting has tremendous benefits in terms of a great rewriting activity for children to explore, understand and develop through sensory play. It encourages their creativity through the movement of their finger and hands when children can touch and feel the cool, squishy texture of the paint and experiment with color and patterns.
10. Shaving Cream Foam:
Shaving cream activity is excessively beneficial for pre-writing skills, as it is inexpensive sensorial material in your bathroom cabinet? shaving cream! Shaving foam is one of my favorite items to use for play and learning. It is also messy, when something is messy, it makes it all the more fun. The great thing about a shaving cream mess is that it is easy to clean up. Shaving Cream Activities for Kids require a very small setup and will keep kids busy and playing with shaving foam is a stunning sensory play activity. It provides children the opportunity to make marks, develop fine motor skills, and create strength in their fingers and hands.
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you can make it more attractive by using colors.
what if you don't have shaving cream foam?
if you don't have shaving cream foam, just take a little amount of detergent and blend it with little water you would find foam, add color and enjoy the activity.
you also can use a piece of soap and blend it with little water and the foam is ready.
11. Crayons:
Crayons are recognized for fine and gross motor skills, sensory processing, pencil grasp, line awareness, Hand-Eye Coordination, Creativity, Imagination, Focus, and Attention. Vocabulary. in addition it also improves a child's self-confidence, creativity, task completion, and learning objectives like color identification, and color matching.
Crayons are best for prewriting activities |
Moreover, Manipulating crayons improves a child's dexterity. All these things are the fundamental key for Pre-Kindergarten that is essential to learning to write letters. Kids learn about the force with crayons. At the start, they feel difficulty but by the time they become perfect and this skill will drive them easily toward pencil writing.
12. Scribbling:
Coloring does not help children develop fine motor skills as much as basic scribbling does. It is an instinctive activity that most preschool teachers know more about. Scribbling helps muscle and hand-eye coordination and an emotional release as well. Moves are normally large, and the kid is often more interested in the marks they create rather than drawing objects. when children develop adequate control over the muscles in their hands and fingers, their scribbles start to change and become more controlled. they can make open circles and curved, horizontal, or vertical lines. gradually, children can make the evolution to holding the crayon between their thumb and pointer finger.
When your kids have done all the above activities now is the time to introduce the works sheet and concept of lines, for complete detail that what to do now read the next post.