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Go Green with QR Codes worksheet: A Unique Earth Day Activity for students

Are you looking for exciting and interactive Earth Day activities that can incorporate stem activities and encourage your students to make a difference and protect the planet? You've come to the right place! Our collection of these engaging Earth Day activities will not only educate your students about environmental issues but also foster a passion for nature and motivate them to positively impact the world. 

    Go Green with QR Codes worksheet: A Unique Earth Day Activity for Students

    Go Green with QR Codes worksheet: A Unique Earth Day Activity for students
    Go Green with QR Codes worksheet: A Unique Earth Day Activity for students

    Earth Day is a time to celebrate our planet and take steps toward protecting it. One such activity that can be a hit with your students is a QR Code worksheet activity. Not only is it a fun way to learn about the environment, but it also provides a unique and engaging stem activity. In this article, we'll explore how a QR Code worksheet activity can benefit here is also a free printable pdf available at the bottom. So, let's get started!

    • For this activity QR first you need a QR app if you want to know more about it read here.
    • Now print out our free printable pdf. 
    • Give these to the kids and have them draw and color them.
    • Open the Quiver App and scan the QR code on the worksheet using your device's camera.
    • Watch as creation comes to life in augmented reality!

    Free Printable PDF link at The Bottom

    Earth Day Activity Sad Earth:

    Earth Day Activity Pollution:

    Earth Day Activity Little Angel:

    Earth Day Activity 4:


    Earth Day Activity Globe:

    Earth Day Activity Magical:

    Earth Day Activity Happy Earth Day:

    Earth Day Activity Simple:

    Free Printable PDF Download here:

    Earth Day Activity Free Printable PDF Download will start in:

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    TheProlerner.com - Your One-Stop Solution for FREE Printable and Curriculum and Resources! plus, we offer the option to customize worksheets and curricula to meet the specific needs of your students. Contact us today to learn more and take your teaching to the next level with Thanks, the Prolerner!
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