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World Kindness Day Activity

The name World Kindness Day certainly reminds us of the importance of this day. Numerous people are familiar with this occasion but not with this day. Fundamentally, the day is celebrated to create generosity in the people of the world and to enable everyone in this concern. Kindness is one of the human qualities that allow anything to be believed as positive.

What is World Kindness Day?

World kindness day is celebrated on the 13th of November every year and it is a great opportunity to talk to your child or class about what kindness is, how to show it, and the positive impact it has on individuals and society. I will be sharing some of the many great resources and activities to support you and your child during world kindness day.
World kindness day activity
World kindness day activity

World Kindness Day  Activity:

You could also encourage children to engage in acts of kindness throughout the week. Random acts of kindness include sending cards and letters to make people feel happy helping others do something they find challenging, smiling and saying hello, or thank you, and giving an honest compliment.  Acts of kindness help people to feel good valued and appreciated benefiting everyone's mental health and well-being.
Use this activity to draw an act of kindness and display it around the home or classroom or use this to start discussions or to see how many acts of kindness you can do in one week!

Make Kindness Rocks:

Use small pieces of stone or rocks to teach kids how to spread kindness. What you need to do is takes some rocks from the playground, then paint, paintbrushes, and Sharpie markers. The objective is for your students to write kind, happy, and encouraging messages on the rocks to make others smile, then drop them in areas around the classroom, school, or off in the community to make somebody's day.
World kindness dayactivity
World kindness day activity

Paper Chain for Create Links of Kindness:

Give your students a piece of paper, and allow them to write some kind words, and then add to a paper chain that can be hung up in the classroom or school hallway where people can read this as they walk by.
World kindness day activity
World kindness day activity

Kindness Jigsaw Puzzle:

On World kindness day, the kindness jigsaw puzzle display gives each child a puzzle piece to decorate with different ways to practice kindness every day. Fit the pieces together to create a beautiful display that will remind children of the simple ways we can look after other people in our lives.
World kindness day activity
World kindness day activity

Make a Kindness-Filled Compliments Box:

Do you know how wonderful it feels to receive an unexpected compliment? A compliment is like a small gift that sets a spring in your effort for the rest of the day. Why not enable your students to give individually some build-ups, and get that good energy flowing through your school?  students can do a stem fun activity by making a Compliments Box for their class (or school), color paper or they can use ice cream sticks for making boxes or even straws.
World kindness day activity
World kindness day activity

Kindness Homework Diary:

Use this kindness homework diary to encourage children to look for examples of kindness at school at home and around their community. Encourage children to record examples of kindness that they see and experience in a week.

Kindness Hand Print Craft:

Try a kindness handprint craft with your child or class and reflect upon your kindness and the kindness of others. Paint prints and recall times when you have been kind to others this will make a wonderful keepsake to look back on.

Make Kindness Fortune Tellers:

Children love creating fortune tellers, and playing with the folded paper similarly! entitles students to write kind words or acts they wish to complete on the inside, then play the folding game to find kindness activities to accomplish!
World kindness day activity
World kindness day activity

World Kindness Day Quote Display Posted:

World kindness day quote display poster is printed with the wise words of the Dalai Lama - be kind wherever possible. It is always possible. For example: 
Never miss a chance to perform even the smallest act of kindness. Because no matter how small it is, it will never get wasted. Happy World Kindness Day!
A lovely item for a display board or to prompt a class discussion there are plenty of others being kind and acts of kindness display resources and activities for you.

Thank you for reading and I hope this article has helped you to plan your world kindness day activities and general activities to support your children in being kind to each other see you soon! write a comment below to show some words of kindness Thanks.

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