A lot of parents have concerned regarding how to teach
spelling to kids at home. Many children still struggle with letter sounds and recognizing some of the letters. and they face a really hard time in reading and writing.
Here are some suggestions that would be adequate help on
how to properly and effectively teach letter sounds and reading.
One can read and the other is struggling. The fact that he wants to read is half the battle. Find what he is really interested in reading about and keep up the encouragement. However, thinks to remember that never rush their childhood and decided they might pick it up when the kid is ready.
There are many apps that are most advantageous, however, If you want to do it yourself, then this would be excessively beneficial.
Reading is the key, as much as your kids start reading regardless of any specific book it brought tremendous outcomes, Keep reading lots of books and stories to your kid. Moreover took him to the library for 2yo. little thinkers start to love to read. started them on board books and my first readers. Always get them started with characters and topics that interest them. Help them sound out the words breaking them down with the sounds. Pea-o-pull for people. I know it sounds weird but it's helped her a lot.
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How to teach spelling to kids at home? |
Step 1: Work on phonological awareness:
Does he understand that words are made of sounds, and that sounds fit together to make words? Can he hear all of the sounds in words? Try this:
Do this without looking at or talking about any letters. This just about sounds. Make three sounds that make a word. For example, /m/ /a/ /n/. Does he recognize it as the word "man"? Also, when you make the sounds, don't add anything extra. For example, /m/ is pure Mmmmm, not "much." Do several of these. Also, give him words and have him break them into sounds. If he cannot do these, try some games to work on them throughout the day. "Do you want some /ch/ /ee/ /z/?" "Please hand me that /r/ /a/ /g/."
then little one can spell a word, then mess it up and fix it. Toss in a few extra letters, mess it up again, and have her fix it again.
he can use the cards to split words into syllables and spell them one syllable at a time.
He can build a word, then change it as you direct. For example, start with
Have her change it to
or whatever is suitable according to his level. For kids who have a hard time with consonant blends, I'll do something like this.
fit Then tell them to change it to "fist." Some kids need the "s" handed to them at first.
Make Flashcards:
Flash cards have significant value as they not only Enhance cognitive development, and Increase understanding of the world around them but also can be beneficial in terms of improving fine motor skills and Stimulate thinking for themselves. Therefore
continue working on sounds. Take some flashcards or you can make index cards and then cut them in half. On each, write a lowercase letter. Go through the set of cards every day, showing him the card and having him make the sound.
-for the vowels, have him make the short sound (/a/ as in apple and man, /e/ as in egg and bed, /i/ as in igloo and win, /o/ as in octopus and log, /u/ as in umbrella and bun). -Start with a small deck of the most common letters, and add in others as he is ready. He should never forget more than three. If he does, the deck is too big.
-Work on the 1, 2, or 3 that he misses. Talk about some words that have those sounds. Write a couple words that use that letter. Have him say the word and notice the letter in the word. Then have him write the letter a few times, making the sound as he does so. There are additional activities you can do to work on letter sounds, but this technique is something to do each day with the letters he has started to learn but might be forgetting. (If practicing three letters gets him close to frustration, make the deck smaller so he only misses one or two.).png) |
How to teach spelling to kids at home?
One additional thing: Don't use sight words. If he is having a hard time recognizing the sounds of the letters, sight words will only confuse the matter and make it harder. He can learn those later when he has learned the rules that make them.
Use these cards a lot - for reading words and for building words. Work at it from both ends: reading and building. For example, use the cards to spell "man." As you say the sounds /m/ /a/ /n/, slide the corresponding letters up an inch or so. Then run your finger across the word and say, "man." Then have him do it. If he's ready, have him do it without you doing it first. Only use letters he is secure with for this activity.
after Then mess the word up and have him correct it. Have him do the slide-and-read again after he has resolved it.
Mess it up again, but this time toss in a few extra letters. Have him fix and read the word again.
Then give him a similar word to build. Don't make him choose from the whole alphabet, though. Maybe ask him to build (spell) a "map," and have about eight letters for him to choose from (or more, or less, depending on his needs). Make sure he sees how similar "man" and "map" are and what the difference is.
Continue with more words.
There are more apps and curricula which is also significantly helpful.
Have a subscription to hooked on phonics and kids are really ready to get into it.
Wonster Word :
Wonster Word is an app that helps with letter recognition, sounds, and spelling. Good luck!
All About Spelling :
A program like All About Spelling will teach why words are spelled as they are. it is very fun, and engaging, and includes lots of music and fun games.
All about reading:
If you want a curriculum that will guide you through it, look at All About Reading.
All about reading is very helpful.
Reading Eggs:
Reading eggs perfect app, your child will fall in love with it even though you too, the graphics are amazing and eye-catching, and kids enjoy while studying. You can’t go wrong with either or even both
I’ve seen reading eggs recommended a ton—
100 easy lessons:
Teaching your child to read in 100 easy lessons is supposed to be good, too!
Free Khan Academy:
The free Khan Academy Kids app is incredible. used it and find it awesome I consider it a blessing in terms of free content.
Songs :
Songs are a splendid method to allow kids to memorize things. There are several songs on YouTube for letter sounds that might be helpful. Have you ever watched the jolly phonic songs on YouTube? When I taught in lower grade videos were used (the kids would memorize the songs ultimately) and the books are sold on Amazon. Check it out!
Look up Zoo Phonics on YouTube they are great. It’s little phrases that help you learn every letter with their sound. Like Ally alligator says (sound) Bubba bear says buh buh Katina cat says ku ku
Also the "What do the letters say" youtube video sounds like the 'What does the fox say' song in the morning a few times a week. Make it a sing-along time. Sight word flash cards but just 3 at a time. And tell him they are either naughty rule breakers or very common words used all the time. Make a list of every word on a poster board, like a sticker chart, and hang it somewhere he passes by every day. Once he can read a word ( sight word or any other word you want him to learn) put a sticker by it and make a huge deal out of it. Lots of hugs and praise. As the board fills up he will get to SEE his progress and that is huge.
For kids who are old and hate reading and still claim that they can't. set up kids messenger for him and a family group chat that he uses speech-to-text to respond with and without realizing he reads deciphering messages(reading) mother daddy and sister and brother who are in the family send to respond to... it's really helpful.
If you will follow the abovementioned practice, I assure you that you never face the problem of how to teach spelling to kids at home, kindly drop comments below that how it works for you.