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The Marshmallow Test, A man who cannot be patient for ten minutes cannot progress in life

Discover the Marshmallow Test - a classic psychological experiment that examines delayed gratification in children. Learn about the study's determinations and their impact on our understanding of self-control, willpower, and success. Find out how this fascinating experiment has been replicated and debated in the scientific community. Read more on our blog and gain insights into this timeless experiment?

The Marshmallow Test, A man who cannot be patient for ten minutes cannot progress in life:

The Marshmallow Test
The Marshmallow Test

The teacher gave a toffee to all the kids in the class and then said something strange. Listen, children! you have a choice among one small but quick reward, or two small rewards if you can wait for a duration of time.

Say that they left the classroom.

There was silence in the class for a few moments, every child was eagerly looking at the toffee in front of them, and with each passing moment, it was getting harder for them to stop themselves.

When 10 minutes had passed the teacher came and inspected the classroom. There were seven children in the whole class whose toffees were lying around while all the other children had eaten their toffees. The teacher secretly noted the names of these seven children in his diary and started teaching.

The teacher's name was Professor Walter Mashal. A few years later, the teacher opened the same diary and started researching the names of these seven children. After a lot of struggle, it is known about him that he has reached many steps of success in his life and he is counted among the successful people.

Professor Walter also examined the rest of the students in his class and found that the majority of them were living normal lives while some individuals were facing severe economic and social conditions.

The result of all this effort and research was summed up by Professor Walter in one sentence and that was this.

"A man who cannot be patient for ten minutes cannot progress in life."This research received worldwide recognition and it was named "Marshmallow Theory" because the name of the toffee that Professor Walter gave to the children was "Marshmallow". It was soft as foam.

According to The Marshmallow Test theory, among the most successful people in the world, there is also a quality of "patience" among many qualities, because this quality increases the endurance of a person, thanks to which a person can survive even difficult situations. He does not get frustrated and thus he becomes an extraordinary person.

The original study found that children who were able to delay gratification and wait for the second marshmallow tended to have better life outcomes, including higher SAT scores, better social skills, and lower rates of substance abuse and obesity.

The marshmallow test has since been replicated and modified in various ways and has been the subject of much debate in the psychological community. Some researchers argue that the ability to delay gratification is influenced by a range of factors beyond just willpower, such as social and economic background, and that the test may not be an accurate predictor of future success.


Q. What is the marshmallow test?

Ans. The marshmallow test is a well-known psychological experiment conducted in the late 1960s and early 1970s by psychologist Walter Mischel and his colleagues at Stanford University. The experiment was designed to study delayed gratification in children by giving them a marshmallow and giving them a choice if they wait for 15 minutes and do not eat they will be given a big reward.

Q. Which question was central to the marshmallow test?

Ans. The central question of the marshmallow test was whether young children could delay gratification in order to receive a greater reward later, or whether they would choose immediate gratification and forego the larger reward. The test was conducted by placing a marshmallow in front of a child and telling them that he could either eat the marshmallow immediately or wait for a short period of time and receive a second marshmallow as a reward. The study aimed to explore children's ability to delay gratification and its correlation with future success.

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