Matric & O-Level
In this era also, an enormous number of people do not know what is the difference between Matric and O-Level and which is why there are thousands of schools in the city that are robbing innocent parents in the name of O-Level and charging them massive amount fees but to tell you the truth and Despite charging a handsome amount they themselves do not exactly know that what O-Level means. Here I explain the difference between metric and O-Level and their pros and cons.
O-Level means ordinary level while A-Level means advanced level. O/A Level is conducted by Cambridge/Oxford Board England after doing O-Level students do A-Level. The Secondary School Certificate, also called SSC or Matriculation examination, is the public examination in Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan conducted by educational boards for the successful completion of the secondary education exam in these countries. Students of 10th grade/class ten can appear in these. It is equal to the GCSE of England and the first two years of high school of the US.
Thus Matriculation and O-Level are equivalent while A-Level and Intermediate are equivalent. After doing Inter or A-Level, one can get admission to the university.
In order to go abroad for Higher Studies, Students should go for O-Level as a matter of fact that it can make their journey easiest, However, students who wish to pursue higher education in the universities of Pakistan can continue their studies under Matriculation Board, even though, studying O-level can horn their skills.
Hardworking students do not care about the system. Those who have to study are also studied in the matric system and for those who are not, even the O-Level system cannot spoil them. .png) |
What is the difference between o level and matric? |
O-Levels | Matriculation |
A Secondary School Degree conducted by the University of Cambridge is O-Level. | A Secondary School Degree is conducted by government boards. |
The O-Level exams are conducted by Cambridge International Examinations worldwide for this reason it is globally recognized. | The Matriculation examination or SSC is also known as The Secondary School Certificate, a public examination in Pakistan India, and Bangladesh, in simple words, the secondary education exam in these countries is the successful completion of 10 grades. |
There is a difference in the quality of the courses in both systems. The O-Level syllabus is comprehensive and concept base, it also enhances critical thinking in the student and is much better than the Matric syllabus. | The syllabus for Matric is all about memorizing and ratification exams and is very uncomplicated in comparison to O-Levels. |
O-Level is recognized globally Hence, Students can get essay access in terms of applying for further education in foreign countries. | It is a local certificate, Therefore the Matric students mostly face difficulties in terms of applying for further education in foreign countries. |
The medium the instruction is English for O-Levels and English is an international language Therefore, O-Level students get essay access to international opportunities. | Mostly Matric students prefer to take their exams in Urdu. Therefore, such students have to find many difficulties in future careers. |
O-Levels examination is more expensive than metric and not affordable by the majority. | The fee for matriculation is less expensive than O-Levels. |
The examination fee for an O-Level paper is around 20 thousand rupees. Only the examination fee for 7 papers is Rs 1 lac 14 thousand as today date. | Three times the board fee charged for matriculation. Which includes registration in class IX, the exam fee for class IX, and then the exam fee for class X. The total fee is around 7 to 8 thousand. |
The exams for O-Levels are held twice a year Firstly in May/June and Secondly in October/November. | Exams for Matric are held once a year, that is March/April and also students can appear in supplementary exams in terms of improving their marks. |
The fees for O-Level schools are 10,000 to 30,000 rupees per month. | Fees for students in matriculation schools are between 1500 to 7000 rupees per month. |
The compulsory subjects of O-Level include Urdu, Islamiat, Social Studies, and English. | Matric consists of two years. That is, there are seven papers in the ninth grade and seven in the tenth grade. Compulsory subjects include English, Sindhi, Pakistan Studies, and Islamic Studies. |
The grading system of O-Levels is considerably simpler than matriculation, according to the international grading system. | The matriculation grading system works with marks by the Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education. |
Even though, the O level is an international exam students can give private exams in science subjects, as there are no practical exams has been taken here. | For matriculation, students can not give science exams privately. |
In O-Level students have the option to select from more than 40 Cambridge O-Level subjects in any combination to create their own curriculum. | The Matric curriculum is old and stereotypical. and v fewer options to choose subjects. |
To conclude, both have their own pros and cons However, I prefer to O-level, as it is acceptable worldwide.
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