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12 super effective tips to engage your kids while cooking:

12 super effective  tips to engage your kids while cooking:

The child never leaves your lap. Who will do the kitchen work then?

Here are some useful tips to engage your kids while doing kitchen work.

Children like to copy, observe and learn from adults.  even when the child is accompanied by toys, he or she may want to bang a pot with a spoon. Your child is not just making a tool or machine of his toys however is learning about his environment. So, in this term, the kitchen could be a perfect and great learning field for little Einstein

Don't let go. Keep the baby close Also, in a carton or in a drawer where the child has easy access, keep some plastic utensils for their own use. The child will learn which size lid goes on which container. The concept of BIG and small' will begin to be understood. Square and right angles will also be known from boxes. Fingers will be strengthened by trying to put the lid on.

1. Counting Exercises (Fine Motor Skills):

 Provide your toddler a bag of any vegetable or fruit that is available at that time could be tomatoes or potatoes and ask him or her to count them. Moreover, two baskets can be given and asked for sorting according to the size or color or size of vegetables or fruit. This can be a great opportunity for learning sorting, counting and adding, or dividing, and subtracting as well. think to remember that don't give very small and tiny items to count as this must be a choking hazard because of curiosity kids may stick a pea in their ear or nose.

2. Hands and Eye Coordination:

 Pour some water into a glass. Pass another glass along. He kept moving from here to there. It improves the coordination of the child's mind, eyes, and hands.

3. Pour, Fill and Measure (Gross Motor Skills)

You can give your kids some lentils, dal, or pulses then
ask him or them to put them into a container. busy
 your child involved in activities for instance pouring, filling, and also measuring in the meantime when you are cooking. This is a perfect way to learn about fundamental,  concepts such as bigger and smaller and this activity also improve improves gross motor skills too.

4. Kneading Dough: 

Knead half a cup of flour or dough and give it to him. Divide the same flour in half and add turmeric to one, coffee or cocoa powder to the other, and food color to the other. He will learn colors. New colors are formed when colors mix with colors, it will learn. Knead the dough in your little hands, cut it with the back of a spoon, flatten it with the edge of a plate, and let it do whatever it wants.

5. Mixing, and Mashing: 

You can ask your toddler to mix the salads or fruit for the family meal or let him or her mash food. Mixing salads or fruits and mashing potatoes and bananas are the best ideas. definitelyIf you want to mix cake or any better, make milkshakes, and ask them to help you put things in the blender. All these are done by some children with great enthusiasm. When the grocers come, chase them away to grab the dal, grab the potatoes. Remember, the goal is to keep the child busy, not to expect him to do everything well. things might get messy, even though must be fun! This is excellent. activity to enhance hand-eye coordination

creadit goes to google

6. Best Toys Alternative:

Don't give them expensive toys. But also cheap. Break up any old cans, jars, or bottles. Add some dal. He kept stirring it, a little noise would be good for him. 

7. Washing Toys: 

If there is a child pouring water in a tub, hold the car to take the car to the car wash. If there is a girl, hold the dolls and wash them. He will be busy for a long time. Or hand over the spoon and fork some day to wash it thoroughly.

8. Making Dough:

If cornflower is put in water, it becomes thick and sits under the water. How long do the children hold it in their fists and it comes out of the fist and then sits in the water.

9. Blowing activity:

Mix a little dishwashing liquid with water in a bowl and hold a straw to blow. It will be frothy and flowing. Will be making sports equipment for a long time. This is also because we prohibit children from blowing and making bubbles in milk and water, so give alternatives.

10. Texture Activity:

Serve any lentils etc. with baking measuring cups. Measure, less is more, the child learns it all. Water is better than lentils because children naturally like games that involve water or feel the texture of something on their hands.

11. Coloring Activity:

Add some oil and food color to flour, salt, and water to make play dough. Remove colors from the entire kitchen. Even cayenne pepper. It is so small that it does not cause any problems to the baby's skin or eyes. Or even if you don't want to, look in the closets to see what colors you can use. You can easily find salt dough recipes on google. Let the child make whatever he wants.

12. Washing Vegetables or Fruit:

Any tomatoes, potatoes, etc. should be washed, or not at all. Smile! Give this task to the children. Have a small post on which the child can stand to reach the faucet. Open the faucet just a little bit. Tell the child that if they open the tap too much, then they will have to withdraw their permission to wash the fruit and vegetables. They would never want permission to be taken away from them.

If the children want to be around you in the kitchen, don't forbid them. Yes, don't pamper the one who takes it in your lap. Do something with love.


A child is a child after all. He will make a mess. It will create more dirt in an attempt to contain the dirt. Acknowledge his effort. Don't say, "It's already dirty, let me do it myself, I'll do it six times as soon as you do it."

Let those little minnows stick around. You never know when they grow up

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